
Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

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From the very beginning, Edward Graves makes one fill comfortable talking with him. He takes time to answer any questions and goes above and beyond to help his clients. In my humble opinion, he is a very moral, upstanding person. He is definitely the attorney I want in my corner. 
- Teresa L Storie

Edward Graves is great at what he does and also a great guy! Go check him out and see for yourself! 
- Heather Ann Stephenson

I couldn't be happier with the results of my decision to hire E Graves III as my worker's comp attorney. He was prompt and ready to fight for my needs, and it worked out very good in the end. THANKS FOR THE HELP E GRAVES III. I will not hesitate to recommend him to anyone I know or hire him again if I need an attorney again. PS his secretary, Sue, was also very helpful in answering any questions I had during the times when he was not available to do so. Thanks Sue for your help also. 
- William K

I would highly recommend E. Graves. He was extremely professional and caring. He was completely committed to working to protect my rights and what was best for my family and me. He took the time to make sure I completely understood all of the policies and procedures. It was great knowing I had someone caring and very knowledgeable looking out for me.  
- Scott Cook

Ed Graves helped me in a fast pace manner, also helped me to achieve a great deal of back pay for the injuries I had received. He was very caring and always kept me in touch with every step along the way. I highly recommend him to anyone!! Thanks again Ed! 
- Arielle Perham

Over the years, I have needed an attorney several times for various things including a car accident and an insurance matter. Mr. Graves has helped me with everything I have ever needed. He and his secretary, Sue, are wonderful. 
- Ann H.

E Graves is a wonderful lawyer. Knows what he is doing and explains everything to make it easy to understand. Very smart and knows his way around a courtroom, he will not disappoint. 
- Review from Lawyers.com

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